Malveillance "Le Froid du Nord/L'Appel du Neant" cd (Industry03)
Cooperation with Suffering Jesus (Canada) + Sabbathid (Japan)
Here it is finally : the Malveillance re-issue of out of print tapes originally released by Harsh Brutal Cold, along with bonus tracks, new layout and surprise cover songs.
Needless to say we are very proud to have been part of this reissue, especially considering how much we love Malveillance, considering we co-released the previous 'Just Fuck Off' full-length cd with these same 2 labels.
Definitely quality material from this black metal kraut band with hypnotic, trance-like drum beats, with razor sharped guitars and intense vocals. This is definitely the most punk sounding Malveillance material produced, not so surprising considering there are 7 (!) Ramones covers on this cd, ditching these oh-so-tiring black metal and Burzum covers done by black metal artists; and instead going for the grandfathers of punk. Good choice, since these songs do sound as if they were Malveillance originals.
So this is for those who did not get to have a listen to the original cassettes, the completists, the fans, the punks, the metalheads.
Here is the track listing :
1. Effrondrement 01:49
2. Coup Final 01:46
3. Dans le Sang 02:14
4. Le Froid du Nord 02:25
5. Partisan de la Décadence 01:58
6. Le Moment Viendra 01:56
7. Commando 01:17
8. Sterilize (feat. Vorago) 02:04
9. I Can't Be 01:45
10. Eat That Rat 01:24
11. Commando 01:45
12. I Don't Care 01:22
13. Love Kills 01:26
14. I Don't Wanna Be Learned+Tamed 01:19
15. It's A Long Way Back 01:28
16. Les Assoifes 01:34
17. Conformisme (Fuck Off) 01:12
18. Dans la Poussiere des Bombes 01:41
19. L'avenement d'un Temps Nouveau 02:07
20. Au Nom de la Science 01:48
21. L'intolerance enfantee par la Peur 02:09
22. L'extase de Vivre 01:58
23. Comptez Vos Morts...Imbeciles 02:24
24. Vos Idoles Sont des Merdes 01:14
25. Vos Malheurs 02:34
+ unreleased cover songs, we are not saying which ones yet !
Tracks 1-8 are from Le Froid du Nord, originally released on March 23rd, 2005;
Tracks 9-25 are from L'Appel du Neant, originally released January 12th, 2006 -Tracks 9-15 are Ramones cover songs.
Aquarius Records wrote about this release like this :
"What's more evil and metal and "I don't give a fuck about humanity" that slapping on some corpse paint and lurking in the forest for a perfectly grimm band photo? What's more cult than strapping on a bunch of spikes and spitting fire, while a photographer expertly captures the 'ritual' on film? What's more anti-social and BROOTAL than dousing yourself in blood, leering evilly at the camera, and holding as still as possible until the timer clicks and the camera catches your pure evil for eternity?
Well how about just waking up, stepping in front of the mirror on your closet door, and snapping a picture of yourself in all your first thing in the morning, PINK tightie whiteies (pinkies?), socks, baseball jersey and bedhead, frowning grumpily and holding the digital camera in front of you in the mirror? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING. Fuck posing and preening and make up and all that, nothing is more grim than the antisocial miscreant captured in his home, where he makes his sick sounds, and where he hides from all the filthy scum outside his front door. The colorful bedspread, the wood paneling, the vinyl tile flooring, the framed pictures above the bed, that stuff is all more intimate and personal and ultimately EVIL than any amount of forests and spiked armbands and bullet belts. Sorry for the rant, we're just a bit obsessed with the band photo on this Malveillance collection, which does in fact feature Mr. Malveillance in a t-shirt and pink undies, scowling at the mirror in his bedroom. Fucking awesome. And somehow, that sort of symbolizes the music of Malveillance pretty perfectly as well. Simple, stripped down, raw. Think Akitsa, Ildjarn, Bone Awl, that sort of super primitive
blasting crusty brutality. But with Malveillance that sound is even more punk, more pummelingly straight ahead. ONE riff over and over and over, repeated to death, the vocals a raspy howl, the drums a D-beat pound, the production raw and lo-fi but still heavy and filthy and grimy and totally BAD ASS. In some ways, it reminds us a bit of a more punk, more blackened Brainbombs.
This is actually a collection gathering up two previous releases from 2005 and 2006, as well as a handful of bonus tracks from a little earlier. The crazy thing is, there are 7 or 8 RAMONES COVERS! And what's even weirder is they sound perfect, like they could be actual Malveillance jams, all filthied up, sped up, doused in buzz and grit, they sound pretty evil and grim, even the "hey ho" parts manage to sound a bit menacing.
What more to say. We love this shit, and Malveillance does it as good, if not better than the rest, plus any metalhead with the balls to pose in pink undies and short hair on their record, deserves to have the grim corpse painted hordes bowing at their feet for sure!"